A Spoonful of Narrative Medicine:
Write a More Magical Story for Yourself and Those You Love and Lead

Amanda Johnson
Story is a catalyst that creates connection, stirs the soul, and wakens the heart. Whether you are a helping professional or business developer, student or teacher, or parent or child, Story can be a powerful tool for facilitating awareness, change, and healing.
In this lively experiential workshop, Amanda Johnson will guide you along a creative quest crafted to empower you to use Story as:
- A Universal Language We’re Born Knowing But Not Taught to Use: Uncover buried conflicts, understand hidden motivations, and articulate obscure insights and emotions that keep us stuck in disempowering st*ry loops.
- Creative Techniques (The “Medicine”) that Soothe and Immunize Psyches: Discover and utilize the most ancient blueprints for creating more ease and empowerment in our everyday lives.
- An Invitation for Deeper Connections with Self and Others: Recognize superpowers, reveal shadows, and rewrite relationship dynamics in the spirit of wellbeing.
If your mission is to educate, empower, or discover something new, join us for a narrative adventure and learn a playful way to rewrite your narrative and support others in doing the same.
Wednesday, June 12th
12pm – 5pm
Includes lunch. Hosted in the We-Ko-Pa’s Wassaja Conference Center.
About Amanda
With more than two decades of experience partnering with people to rewrite personal and collective narratives as a friend, a mother, a teacher, a facilitator, a storyteller, a brand and content strategist, and a messenger guide, Amanda Johnson (The Story Oracle) empowers audiences ready to stop the st*ry loops and start co-authoring a truer story for themselves, their loved ones and colleagues, and the world. Her unapologetically-honest, story-driven approach awakens individuals to the st*ries that hold them back and equips them with the tools to begin taking more control of the narrative.